I'll never say goodbye




Amid a beautiful island in their youth, Waldo and Aryann were once deeply in love. But they are torn apart by tragedy, when Waldo goes to jail after accidentally killing Aryann's uncle who attempted to molest her.

Aryann does everything she can to get Waldo out of prison and later finds herself being forced into prostitution. On her first night as an escort, she meets Tristan, a rich man who unexpectedly does not take advantage of her vulnerability. Nothing happens between them, but Tristan leaves Aryann a large sum of money, enough to hire a lawyer who helps free Waldo. Their happiness is short-lived, when the revenge-seeking brother of Aryann's uncle ends up shooting Waldo. With his body nowhere to be found, Aryann presumes Waldo is dead. It turns out that a nurse named Leila saved and treated Waldo until he recovered from his post-traumatic disorder. But by the time he returns to his hometown, Waldo learns Aryann has moved on and already started a new life in the city. Years pass, and as Waldo pursues his dream of becoming a marine engineer, a twist of fate reunites him with his former flame. His boss Tristan introduces him to his fiancee, who is none other than his one great love, Aryann, now a successful lawyer. When their paths collide, old wounds and feelings resurface as they try to resist one another.

Waldo and Aryann's love story has been marred by time and circumstance, and worse, is now imperilled by Tristan and bitter rivals. Will their undying love survive the odds?

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